Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you found it interesting and informative. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and my interests. I am extremely happy that I am able to do what I feel passionate about and love the most – in one word music. It means a lot to me and I can’t imagine my life without it. My father was a broadcaster for Polish Radio 2 (classical music channel). This inspired me as a child and today I review concerts, CDs and write articles for classical music publications in Poland. I am also interested in interior design as well as designing jewellery. I am hoping that one day I will expand my knowledge on these subjects.
I love travelling, seeing the world and getting to know new places. I am always glad to make new friends and meet interesting people. These days the world is so small – I think it is wonderful to have friends in far away countries! I also enjoy good literature and cinema. Especially documentary books by Gustaw Herling Grudziński and Ryszard Kapuścinski. I think the one book I would take to a desert island would be “The Emperor” by Kapusciński – it never ceases to amaze and fascinate me.
I strive to live in harmony with nature and above all with myself. I want to appreciate the small things in life. I try to sometimes slow down and stand back from the hectic lifestyle we all nowadays lead. I try to think about and enjoy life since I realise how fragile and elusive it is.
You can visit my blog (in polish lanquage):
Hans Huber- Walzer z cyklu Utwory poetyckie op. 99
Agnieszka Marucha – skrzypce
Tomasz Pawłowski – fortepian